X'era - Sorceress Adventuress

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Name: X'era Soluna.
Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Race: Miqo'te Seeker of the Sun.
Age: 24
Height: 5'8
Eyes: Left is bright green and right is orange-gold.
Hair: Black with red highlights.
Birthplace: Gyr Abania, the Peaks, deep in the Mountains in a Hidden Meadow.
Birthdate: 24th day of the Fourth Astral Moon ((July 24th))
Occupations: Adventurer and Founder of Eclipse Adventuring Guild.
Nationality: Gyr Abanian.
Class: Sorceress
Languages: Common and a bit of Doman.
Sexuality: Bisexual, female leaning.


Slightly Chaotic.
Witty and prone to joking.
Willing to help (But will ask for something in return).
Addicted to loot.
Highly curious.
Kind to those she likes.
Rude to those she doesn't like.


Cute things or people.
Learning New Things.
Being vindicated/right.
Magical Items.
Nhia (Wife).
Her Tribe.


Nhia's Tribe.
Being Wrong.
Having her appearance sullied.
Being embarrassed.
Having things taken from her.

Quick Hooks

Guild Proprietress: after having left behind the Mercenary Life, X'era turned to a more fun filled dream of Adventure and excitement. Realizing that most Adventurers had few places to find amenities, she worked together with her loving and supportive Wife to create a place where all Adventurers of all Walks of Life could find what they need: Eclipse.Update: She has since resigned from the position of Proprietress within Eclipse but is still found often in and around it's halls and Adventurers, going on Quests.

Ex-Mercenary: X'era found herself joining a Mercenary Company during her later years in Eorzea in order to increase her money, knowledge, experience and loot hoard. Despite having left behind that life, it's impact on her person is certainly noticeable.

Sorceress: Having grown up in a tribe dominated with Magic and Sorcery under a Sorceress Mentor, X'era is quite familiar with Magic and practically brims with it from head to toe. Despite her young age she's stepped up to the plate of becoming a fully fledged Sorceress after her Mentor.

-Coming Soon-

Wife.This is Wife.

At a Glance:

  • X'era's appearance is very well taken care of using the finest and most expensive self-care products she can possibly afford. Her hair especially is silky to the touch and painstakingly maintained and styled all the way up to her ears.

  • X'era has a very pleasant scent most of the time due to the variety of perfumes she uses. Her favorite is Lavender.

  • Those whom use languages besides Common around her may find that her ears will swivel subtly and pick up on it, as if able to listen. This is with any possible language used. As well, you will be able to understand X'era clearly as if she was speaking your own language.

  • Her ears are sensitive, and she doesn't appreciate it when people who aren't close to her touch them.

  • X'era's outfits are always expensive looking and made to be expertly put together and fashionable yet also seem as if to brim with Magical potential.

  • X'era is almost always wearing a ton of magical jewelry and items on her being, to the point where it's obvious to anyone looking at her that it's excessive.

  • X'era has a sensitive tail, at least on the end where there's a fur tuft. She really doesn't like that part being grabbed.

  • X'era, while not unhealthy, is most certainly not the strongest of Miqo'te. While she has come a long ways from her previous unfit nature, physical activity is still something she is not proficient in.

  • X'era has a natural affinity towards the element of fire, and is notably very warm when in close proximity to her as if you are next to a comfortable fireplace.

  • X'era has two puncture marks upon her neck that look like fangs dealt the wound. For those that are familiar with Miqo'te Keeper tribes, this is a tradition that means she has bonded for life with a Keeper.


X'era is oft accompanied by an assortment of magical creatures known as Familiars. Able to be summoned at will through complicated, concentration intense rituals, these faithful companions provide a diverse compliment to X'era's skillset.

Meow Wow:

X'era's first and favorite Familiar. Made under the direct tutelage of her Childhood Mentor. When X'era, then just a child, found a stray Fat Cat within her tribe, she quickly befriended the wayward creature and after some time bonding with her decided she should uplift the fluffy Calico to become the first Familiar Companion X'era ever had. Despite her love for the familiar, she is shy of the name she gave it as a child.




  • Inflate or deflate like a balloon to tremendous or miniscule sizes (given a donation of Aether from X'era.)

  • Casting of Curative Magics, up to the powerful Curaga when pressed.

  • A strong and keen sense of smell, direction and perception, aetherical or physical.


"With fluff abundant and claws galore,
With quickened reflexes and a tiger's roar,
With hunter's nose and a pounce in store."


X'era's second made Familiar. While he has much to learn and little control over his strength thus far he is a very loyal and devoted Familiar to X'era. Found within the Valley's of the Far East, this faithful Pup has a curious affinity for the Earth element and an unnatural strength and durability. X'era sees great potential in the Mameshiba, though it will be a trial and a half to get the Pup to behave and move past his overly friendly nature and boundless playfulness.




  • Tug of War.

  • Fetch. (He doesn't give the ball/stick back.)

  • being a VERY good boy.


"With playfulness and courage abound
With tenacity, while earthen crowned
With loyalty, a faithful hound."


An ancient familiar said to have once belonged to the founding Nunh of the Tribe, this ferocious and hard-to-please Wolf Familiar has been under the care and supervision of X'era's Mentor for quite some time. For how long or why she would not say. While still not entirely tamed by X'era, it's power, speed and Fire Magic is nearly unrivaled. Bringing it to battle or Adventure is a risk of setting everything indiscriminately ablaze.




  • Intense Flame Magic.

  • Enhanced Speed, Strength, and durability.

  • Hidden Power.


"With piercing fangs and a roaring blaze,
With strength of heart and a fiery gaze,
With the pack's might and the power of the sun's rays."


Bereft of a Mother and with an absent/abusive Father, X'era had few people to turn to as a child. On her Sixth Birthday, however, she was discovered alone and crying near the edges of the Tribe by this strange, enigmatic loner of the Tribe.X'era was given a choice that day, to continue to be miserable and alone.. or to take fate into her own hands, and gain the power to control her future.Ever since the age of Six, X'era has been under the strict but benevolent tutelage of the enigmatic and devious (perhaps slightly sadistic) X'Tahja, who oversaw the majority of X'era's training in the Mystic Arts.X'era has never once seen her take her mask off, even when eating or sleeping. Attempts to take it off by force have been met with ice cold water spells to the face.

This is a comprehensive list of all of the current spells that X'era is in possession of. It will be seperated by tier levels based on the power of the spell, from Tier I through Tier III. There will be the name of the spell and in parentheses after that what school of magic it can be casted from. From there, a brief description of the spell will be given and then in parentheses at the end how it was she learned this spell.

Tier I:

  • Fire (THM/CNJ): The first tier of Fire magic but by no means weak. Commonly casted in the form of a roiling, exploding fireball, this spell will deal heavy damage to most singular targets. (Thaumaturge Guild)

  • Water (THM/CNJ): The first tier of Water magic. While lacking in power it's shape is easy to mold whether it be an orb of liquid or a whip-like tendril, thus lending it some utility. (Self-practiced)

  • Aero (THM/CNJ): The first tier of Wind magic. These gale winds can attack rapidly in an area or deal damage to a singular target. If used carefully, it can also be used to hold aloft items or enhance one's speed. (Self-practiced)

  • Stone (THM/CNJ): The first tier of Earth Magic. Aetherically hardened stones are sent forth towards the target to deal crushing damage. This spell can also be erected upwards as a flat surface like a wall to create cover. (Self-practiced)

  • Thunder (THM/CNJ): The first tier of Lightning magic. This spell of arcane electricity can be used to quickly zap an opponent for destructive damage. (Thaumaturge Guild)

  • Blizzard (THM/CNJ): The first tier of Ice magic. While moderate in power, it's ability to restrict and bind the movements of those cannot be underestimated. (Thaumaturge Guild)

  • Barthunder (THM): This spell takes Earth's properties to resist the Thunder element and imbues it into a spell that can cover the entirety of a single person, reducing damage taken from the Thunder element for a brief period. (Spell-book)

  • Poison (THM): An indirect spell that enters into the aetherical make-up of a being and slowly attacks and debilitates them from within, sapping strength and causing harm. (Spell-book)

  • Slow (THM): This indirect spell sends lethargic dark energy directly into the being of a person and restricts their movements as if they were fighting deep under water, making them slower to move and react. (Spell-book)

  • Banish (THM): This spell sends forth a small orb of Astral light that explodes upon impact, strickening all those with an aura that increased damage dealt by all Astral aligned spells. (Spell-book)

  • Cure (CNJ): This spell gathers positive energy from the elements around her and imbues it into a quick yet potent spell of restoration that will mend smaller wounds efficiently, and rejuvenate their energy. (Taught by Lunaria Nasres)

  • Physic (ACN) A quick to cast spell of rejuvenation and healing made through runic symbols that can be created with aether.

  • Sleep (THM): This spell of drowsiness has a weak chance of putting any one enemy to sleep until struck. (Thaumaturge Guild)

Tier II:

  • Fira (THM/CNJ): An upgraded version of Fire. With an increased cost in mana, the potency of her flames become strong enough to envelope and explode around multiple targets or simply deal even more Fire damage to a single target.

  • Watera (THM/CNJ): An upgraded version of Water. With an increased cost to mana the amount of water she can control is increased, and thus she is able to create orbs of water large enough to entrap and bind small creatures or people. (Self-Practiced)

  • Aerora (THM/CNJ): An upgraded version of Aero.

  • Stonera (THM/CNJ): An upgraded version of Stone.

  • Thundara (THM/CNJ): An upgraded version of Thunder.

  • Blizzara (THM/CNJ): An upgraded version of Blizzard.

  • Cura (CNJ): An upgraded version of Cure. This spell is even more potent than Cure when it comes rejuvenating bodies and mending wounds but it comes at the cost of requiring more focus and more energy from the elements. (Taught by Lunaria Nasres)

  • Regen (CNJ): This spell takes the beneficial energies of Cure and Cura and directly imbues itself into a person, programmed to release itself over time, resulting in a more steady stream of rejuvenating energy that will work on it's own while X'era focuses on other tasks. (Taught by Lunaria Nasres)

  • Medica (CNJ): This spell follows similar properties to the Cure and Cura spells, gathering up beneficial energies but now instead directly imbueing a large swath of allies. While moderate in power, the ability to affect more than one person makes up for it. The mana cost is considerable. (Taught by Lunaria Nasres)

  • Sleepra (THM): A stronger version of sleep that has a much greater chance of putting a target to sleep (Thaumaturge Guild)

  • Heat Metal (THM): This spell charges any metal object with astral heat to cause it to reach temperatures that can cause debilitating burns. Useful for quickly disarming opponents with metal weapons. (Taught by Mito Kusakari)

  • Absorb Strength (THM): This spell will seek to absorb the physical power of another target and then embed this stolen essence temporarily into X'era. It's effectiveness varies and it can be resisted. (Spell-book.)

  • Float (GRAV): A very basic Gravity spell that manipulates the Aetherical weight of an object or person and causes it to float. (Taught by Valla Nasres)

  • Heavy (GRAV): A very basic Gravity spell that manipulates the Aetherical weight of a target to make it denser and heavier. (Taught by Valla Nasres)

Tier III:

  • Firaga (THM/CNJ): The most powerful version of Fire available to X'era. Using this spell costs a great deal of her mana but it is also the most destructive, blasting away at targets with great and all consuming explosive flames.

  • Waterga (THM/CNJ): The most poweful version of Water available to X'era. While this spell uses a great amount of her mana, the tidal waves she is able to conjure with it can sweep away a vast area in front of her. (Self-practiced)

  • Aeroga (THM/CNJ): The most powerful version of Aero available to X'era. While it takes up a good amount of her mana, the gale force of winds she can bring forth will cut through and blow away most opposition. (Practiced with Corvin Laowease)

  • Stonega (THM/CNJ): The most powerful version of Stone available to X'era. While it uses a good amount of her Mana, the great walls of rock that she can conjure forth can be used both offensively to crush her foes or defensively to create walls and areas of control. (Self-Practiced)

  • Thundaga (THM/CNJ): The most powerful version of Thunder available to X'era. While it uses a good amount of her Mana, it strikes quickly and ferociously in a large area, zapping away at those unfortunate enough to be caught within. (Practiced with Nhia Yukikaze)

  • Blizzaga (THM/CNJ): The most powerful version of Blizzard available to her. While it's mana cost is great, the chilling winds and piercing ice will impede even the most stalwart of foes. (Self-practiced)

  • Aetherial Manipulation (THM): An advanced aetherical technique, she outstretches her own Aether like an invisible hand and uses it for all sorts of various utility abilities such as to grab and hold items, pull herself to places or people quickly, etc. (Taught by Kanko Cinderkin)

  • Manaward (THM): Barrier magic used to augment her defenses. By condensing unaspected Aether around her body, she creates a hard to penetrate wall that will protect her from damage for a short while or until broken. (Taught by Kanko Cinderkin)

  • Blaze Spikes (THM): An offensively defensive spell. Using aether similar to manaward, an aetheric barrier of flames is wreathed around her. Unlike Manaward, however, these flames do less for protecting her and more for striking out at those whom attack her, punishing close combatants with painful burns. (Spell-book.)

  • Sleepga (THM): The strongest version of sleep available that can now target multiple enemies at the cost of a greater reserve of mana. (Self-Practiced.)

  • Gravity (GRAV): A singularity is caused above the target and forces down on it, flattening it with intense gravitational weight. (Taught by Valla Nasres)

  • Implode (GRAV): A deadly Gravity spell, this creates an aetherical bubble around a target, and forces the gravitational space inside of it to push inward, ultimately imploding whatever is trapped inside. (Taught by Valla Nasres)

  • Aether Steal (THM): This spell forcibly rips out the Aether of a target using a process similar to Aetherial Manipulation. Though hard to pull off it can be used in a pinch to restore reserves as well as debilitate a target. (Taught by Valla Nasres)

  • Gain-Stat (THM/CNJ): X'era has discovered how to take the properties of various attributes and imbue them into either herself or others for a short duration. (Self-learned.)

  • Magnet (THM/CNJ): By taking Earth's properties for polarity she can create a field that can gather metals or, if properly casted, people and monsters, into it's effect. (Taught by Chryslinger Starhope)